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Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013)

Squirm (1976)

The Dead Next Door (1989)

Eden Lake (2008)

A reporter and her cameraman connect a surviving Jonestown leader and a TV exec's missing son to a drug war where jungle installations are being massacred by an army of natives and a skilled white assassin.

Ginger's sister Brigitte, now a werewolf herself, must try to find a cure for her blood lust before the next full moon while hiding out in a rehab clinic from a relentless werewolf.

Five people are offered one million dollars to spend six months together in an isolated mansion, with cameras watching their every move.

Four friends get sidetracked on their way to a vacation. They meet a family of adult siblings who invite them for dinner. One of the siblings is very welcoming, but the others must have been born from a different mold. The siblings were raised from the bible's words, but everyone's interpretation isn't always agreeable on what sin is.

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